She's All That

..coz she thinks everything is belong to her

The ending of April 2011

April 2011 will closed and there are May 2011, already knock the world. April 2011 tak berjalan dengan lancar especially on my work side.

Work? I can't achieve the target at all and its make my records to be promoted to permanent sangat lah tipis. Huh! Aku belum pernah merasa permanent, so salah ke aku nak kerja siang malam to make it reality. My time is mine, don't bother it! Very dissapointed.

Car? I don't think i will get it by this month eventho the loan has been approve. Why is it? Its all because of the Plat number. Have to buy the number, but unfortunately the number was taken by other people. Damn damn and damn. Very dissapointed.

Family and friends? I have to make my family on the top of my list. Munirah is getting engage this end of april ok. And i knew she is the most most most important person who really helps me at the time we were moved out from cochrane and also on my engagement day. Dia adalah satu-satunya cousin yang sanggup datang tengah-tengah malam untuk tolong kemas rumah yang bersepah-sepah sebab baru pindah dan di kala aku sedang tersangat busy buat preparation. And this is the time i have to-balas-budi. U've got it COUSIN!

Money? This is the time for COLLECTION!!! The date have been decided. Yes, semua orang kata lelaki yang kena kumpul duit. Tapi aku nak kumpul jugak, aku punya pasal la.. huh.

Entertainment? It is very very limited for now.

xoxo lah.


Myra Zailani

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i hate to be hatters. i love to be a lover. i am insane. i love cupcakes.

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