She's All That

..coz she thinks everything is belong to her

I want to fly

I need rest and holiday. I want to go far away from here, busy and dizzy space. March 2011 is to long to wait. Please 2011 please come early. Everything about holiday had been plan on 2011. Starting from Jakarta, Bandung, Pulau Redang and KK (perhaps?). I wish i can go to Paris. Alone or with my love one. Someday :)

Peace !


Myra Zailani

My photo
i hate to be hatters. i love to be a lover. i am insane. i love cupcakes.

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      Mari Mengira


      E-Day Checklist

      1 . Engagement Date
      2 . Place
      3 . Catering + Menu
      4 . Canopi + kerusi + meja
      5 . Hantaran
      i . Chocolate
      ii . Pulut kuning
      iii . Puding
      iv . Sireh Junjung
      v . Fruits
      vi . Novelty Cake
      vii . Cookies [Famous Amos?]

      6 . Mini Pelamin
      7 . Make up
      8 . Ring
      9 . Photographer
      10 . Gifts
      11 . Dekorasi
      12 . Fresh Flower
      13 . Dulang hantaran
      14 . Bowl for chocolate
      15 . Baju Tunang

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