She's All That

..coz she thinks everything is belong to her

Jupiter, Venus and Moon together!

The three brightest objects in the night sky - Venus, Jupiter and a crescent moon - will crowd around each other for an unusual group shot. Look in the southwestern sky around twilight - no telescope or binoculars needed. The show will even be visible in cities if it's a clear night.

**picture courtesy to msnbc**

Every once in a while, something will appear in the night sky that will attract the attention of even those who normally don't bother looking up. It's likely to be that way on Monday evening, Dec. 1. Amazing! I saw it.. Sangat chantek :)

current status: KAGUM


Myra Zailani

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i hate to be hatters. i love to be a lover. i am insane. i love cupcakes.

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